Sunday, May 24, 2020

Weeks 8 and 9 (one assignment)


Although the assignments are not graded, engagement counts and may affect your final grade.  You will receive a failing grade for the 4th marking period if you are not engaged.  Please do the assignments.  They do count!


Every teacher will have office hours on Tuesdays and Wednesdays between 1:00 pm and 3:00 pm in Google Meet.  This is your opportunity to ask questions or get clarification about any assignments posted on Google Classroom. To join my meeting, you need to use the following link:

Remember, you can always contact me by email at

We are now on weeks 8 and 9 of assignments.  Weeks 8 and 9 are combined into one assignment.  If you have not joined google classroom, it’s never too late.  Below are the codes that you need to join Google Classroom.


Period 1      scp2ryp
Period 2      ngkwta6
Period 3      geyyerb
Period 4      6ougqu4
Period 5      de2vwwi
Period 6      6ouqkns
Period 7      otrbrm5

Please stay safe!  Have a great summer!

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